Review: Black Panther
Marvel movies struggle to portray compelling villains. Not here. Killmoger is that rare thing: a truly villainous villain who is nonetheless sympathetic. Continue reading Review: Black Panther
Writer. Movie lover. Trans-inclusive feminist. Secularist. No frelling apologies.
Marvel movies struggle to portray compelling villains. Not here. Killmoger is that rare thing: a truly villainous villain who is nonetheless sympathetic. Continue reading Review: Black Panther
The new king of Atlantis is isolationist: his first act as King is to erect a wall to “keep out their enemies”. He is obsessed with the purity of genetics and wants to eliminate everyone who doesn’t conform to his notion of deserving. Oh and his reliance on magic is making him mentally unstable. Continue reading New comics – 17 January 2018
Funny, exciting, thrilling, deep in places, great characters, fabulous action, over the top, sexy, spectacular. Continue reading Review: Thor Ragnarok
Aquaman rules, Batwoman kicks ass, the Champions fight a space Minotaur and Metal infuriates me with a poorly-timed piece of misogyny. Continue reading My Pull List – 18 October 2017
It’s karaoke night at Champions HQ, the old team is back together and everyone is happy and well-adjusted, as if that whole the world being taken over by Nazis never happened. Continue reading My Pull List – 6 September 2017
Champions stands out as being a fun title, optimistic, youthful, differyent. This issue is one of unrelenting heartache and darkness. The note it ends on is one of hope, but it’s such a small hope in the face of everything that’s happened. It really makes me feel for these characters. Continue reading My pull list – 2 August 2017
Lots of people dislike Andrew Garfield’s Amazing Spider Man movies. But while I agree that the second one was a hot mess, the first was wonderful. When people argue against it, the main issue seems to be that the origin Continue reading Review: Spiderman: Homecoming
The final issue of Occupy Avengers? This title had so much promise and Marvel barely gave it a chance! I’ll need a separate post to review the whole run. Also this week Azrael battles his AI self in Detective Comics Continue reading My pull-list – 26 July 2017
Written by Mariko Tamaki, She-Hulk’s first post-Civil-War-II arc deals with Jennifer trying to put her life back together. She has a new job at a new law firm and a nasty case of PTSD which is written as well and realistically as any I have seen. Continue reading She-Hulk: Deconstructed