
The show is weird. It revolves around the lives of the people who work or hang out at Ruth’s Alternative Caring, most of whom spend their lives smoking pot, growing pot or talking about pot. Continue reading Disjointed
Writer. Movie lover. Trans-inclusive feminist. Secularist. No frelling apologies.
The show is weird. It revolves around the lives of the people who work or hang out at Ruth’s Alternative Caring, most of whom spend their lives smoking pot, growing pot or talking about pot. Continue reading Disjointed
Marvel movies struggle to portray compelling villains. Not here. Killmoger is that rare thing: a truly villainous villain who is nonetheless sympathetic. Continue reading Review: Black Panther
I love the concepts behind metal but I’m not sure the execution is particularly good. The cast of characters is just too big, the scope too huge Continue reading New Comics – 31 January 2018
While I think it’s primarily a romance, there are elements of cold-war thriller, elements of fantasy, and a climax strongly reminiscent of movies I loved as a child. Continue reading Review: The Shape Of Water
Jack the Ripper is stalking Gotham and Batman is determined to stop him. Unfortunately the newly returned Bruce Wayne is the prime suspect. Continue reading Review: Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
The Doomsday Clock is still ticking; the Batmen are still falling and Wonder Woman still has terrible writers. Continue reading New Comics – 24 January 2018
The parallels between the story of the Pentagon Papers and the current political climate in the USA are almost too obvious. It’s no secret that this movie is, in effect, Spielberg’s statement on that. I didn’t want another film to Continue reading Review: The Post
The new king of Atlantis is isolationist: his first act as King is to erect a wall to “keep out their enemies”. He is obsessed with the purity of genetics and wants to eliminate everyone who doesn’t conform to his notion of deserving. Oh and his reliance on magic is making him mentally unstable. Continue reading New comics – 17 January 2018
A magical adventure with genuine heart and some very mature things to say. Continue reading Review: Coco
Bit of a mixed bag this week. Heartbreak and betrayal in Detective Comics, slow-paced Rose shows a hint of speeding up, and the current writers of Wonder Woman have not improved any. Continue reading New Comics – 10 January 2018